Number Parsing in D Programming Language

Parsing numbers from strings is a basic but common task in many programs; here’s how to do it in D.

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

void main() {
    // With to!double, we parse the string to a double-precision floating-point number.
    double f = to!double("1.234");

    // For parsing integers, we use to!long. The base is inferred from the string.
    long i = to!long("123");

    // to!long will recognize hex-formatted numbers.
    long d = to!long("0x1c8", 16);

    // For unsigned integers, we use to!ulong.
    ulong u = to!ulong("789");

    // to!int is a convenience function for basic base-10 int parsing.
    int k = to!int("135");

    // Parse functions throw an exception on bad input.
    try {
        int j = to!int("wat");
    } catch (ConvException e) {

To run the program, save it as number_parsing.d and use the D compiler:

$ dmd number_parsing.d
$ ./number_parsing
std.conv.ConvException: Unexpected 'w' when converting from type string to type int

In D, we use the std.conv module for number parsing. The to template function is a powerful tool that can convert between various types, including parsing strings to numbers.

For floating-point numbers, we use to!double. For integers, we use to!long for signed integers and to!ulong for unsigned integers. The base of the number is automatically inferred from the string, but can be explicitly specified as a second argument to to.

Unlike in some other languages, D’s to function will throw a ConvException when it encounters invalid input, rather than returning an error value. This allows for more robust error handling using try-catch blocks.

Next, we’ll look at another common parsing task: URLs.