Text Templates in Dart

Dart offers built-in support for creating dynamic content or showing customized output to the user with the dart:core library. This library provides classes and utilities for working with strings, including string interpolation and template-like functionality.

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  // We can create a simple string template using string interpolation.
  // The ${} syntax is used to insert values into the string.
  var t1 = "Value is ${}\n";

  // We can use the replaceAll method to replace the {} placeholder
  // with actual values.
  print(t1.replaceAll('{}', 'some text'));
  print(t1.replaceAll('{}', '5'));
  print(t1.replaceAll('{}', ['Go', 'Rust', 'C++', 'C#'].toString()));

  // For more complex templates, we can create a function
  String template(String name, dynamic value) {
    return "Name: $name, Value: $value\n";

  // We can use this function with different types of data
  print(template('Jane Doe', 'some value'));

  // In Dart, we can use maps to represent key-value pairs
  var data = {'Name': 'Mickey Mouse'};
  print(template(data['Name'], 'some other value'));

  // Dart doesn't have built-in if/else in string interpolation,
  // but we can use ternary operators for simple conditions
  var condition = true;
  print("${condition ? 'yes' : 'no'}\n");

  // For loops in Dart can be used to iterate over collections
  var languages = ['Go', 'Rust', 'C++', 'C#'];
  print("Range: ${languages.join(' ')}");

To run the program, save it as templates.dart and use the dart command:

$ dart run templates.dart
Value is some text
Value is 5
Value is [Go, Rust, C++, C#]
Name: Jane Doe, Value: some value
Name: Mickey Mouse, Value: some other value
Range: Go Rust C++ C#

In this Dart version:

  1. We use string interpolation (${}) instead of Go’s template syntax.
  2. Dart doesn’t have a built-in template engine like Go’s text/template, so we create a simple function to demonstrate similar functionality.
  3. We use Dart’s Map type to represent key-value pairs, similar to Go’s map.
  4. Dart doesn’t have built-in conditional logic in string interpolation, so we use a ternary operator for a simple if/else equivalent.
  5. We use Dart’s List type and the join method to demonstrate range-like functionality.

While Dart doesn’t have the same powerful built-in templating features as Go, it provides string interpolation and other string manipulation methods that can be used to achieve similar results in many cases.