Closing Channels in Elixir

In Elixir, we can demonstrate the concept of closing channels using processes and message passing. Here’s an example that mimics the behavior of the original code:

defmodule ClosingChannels do
  def main do
    parent = self()
    jobs = spawn_link(fn -> worker(parent) end)

    Enum.each(1..3, fn j ->
      send(jobs, {:job, j})
      IO.puts("sent job #{j}")

    send(jobs, :close)
    IO.puts("sent all jobs")

    receive do
      :done -> IO.puts("worker finished")

    case do
      nil -> IO.puts("received more jobs: false")
      _ -> IO.puts("received more jobs: true")

  defp worker(parent) do
    receive do
      {:job, j} ->
        IO.puts("received job #{j}")
      :close ->
        IO.puts("received all jobs")
        send(parent, :done)


In this example, we use Elixir’s built-in concurrency primitives to simulate the behavior of channels and goroutines:

  1. We define a main function that spawns a worker process and sends it jobs.

  2. The worker process is created using spawn_link, which returns the PID (Process ID) of the new process.

  3. We send jobs to the worker process using send(jobs, {:job, j}).

  4. After sending all jobs, we send a :close message to indicate that no more jobs will be sent.

  5. The worker process receives jobs in a recursive function. When it receives the :close message, it notifies the parent process and terminates.

  6. The main process waits for the :done message from the worker before continuing.

  7. Finally, we check if the worker process is still alive using This is analogous to trying to receive from a closed channel in the original example.

To run this program, save it as closing_channels.exs and execute it using:

$ elixir closing_channels.exs
sent job 1
received job 1
sent job 2
received job 2
sent job 3
received job 3
sent all jobs
received all jobs
worker finished
received more jobs: false

This Elixir code demonstrates the concept of closing channels and communicating completion to receivers, using Elixir’s process-based concurrency model. While Elixir doesn’t have channels in the same way as some other languages, its message passing between processes provides similar functionality.