Title here
Summary here
Command-line arguments are a common way to parameterize execution of programs. For example, elixir hello.exs
uses hello.exs
as an argument to the elixir
defmodule CommandLineArguments do
def main do
# System.argv() provides access to raw command-line
# arguments. Note that unlike some languages, this does not
# include the program name as the first argument.
args_with_prog = [System.get_env("_") | System.argv()]
args_without_prog = System.argv()
# You can get individual args with normal list indexing.
arg = Enum.at(System.argv(), 2)
To experiment with command-line arguments it’s best to save this code in a file (e.g., command_line_arguments.exs
) and run it with elixir
$ elixir command_line_arguments.exs a b c d
["/usr/local/bin/elixir", "a", "b", "c", "d"]
["a", "b", "c", "d"]
In Elixir, System.argv()
returns a list of command-line arguments, excluding the program name. To include the program name, we’ve used System.get_env("_")
, which typically contains the path to the Elixir interpreter.
Next, we’ll look at more advanced command-line processing with option parsing libraries in Elixir.