Channel Synchronization in Elm
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, text)
import Process
import Task
-- We'll use this function to simulate work.
-- It will delay for a second and then complete.
work : Task.Task Never ()
work =
Process.sleep 1000
|> Task.andThen (\_ -> Task.succeed ())
-- This is our main function that sets up the program
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view = view
-- Our model keeps track of whether the work is done
type alias Model =
{ isDone : Bool }
-- We have two types of messages:
-- StartWork to begin the task, and
-- WorkDone when the task completes
type Msg
= StartWork
| WorkDone
-- Initialize our model and immediately start the work
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( { isDone = False }
, Task.perform (\_ -> StartWork) (Task.succeed ())
-- Update function to handle our messages
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
StartWork ->
( model
, Task.perform (\_ -> WorkDone) work
WorkDone ->
( { model | isDone = True }, Cmd.none )
-- Simple view to display the status of our work
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
if model.isDone then
text "Done!"
text "Working..."
This Elm program demonstrates a concept similar to channel synchronization in concurrent programming. Here’s how it works:
We define a
function that simulates a task taking some time to complete. It usesProcess.sleep
to delay for a second.The
function sets up our Elm application usingBrowser.element
is simple, just keeping track of whether the work is done or not.We have two types of
to begin the task, andWorkDone
when the task completes.In the
function, we start withisDone
set toFalse
and immediately send aStartWork
function handles our messages:- When it receives
, it triggers thework
task. - When it receives
, it updates the model to indicate the work is done.
- When it receives
function simply displays “Working…” while the task is in progress, and “Done!” when it’s complete.
This approach mimics the synchronization behavior of the original example. Instead of using channels, we’re using Elm’s built-in task system and message passing to coordinate the completion of work.
To run this program, you would typically compile it to JavaScript and run it in a web browser. The exact process depends on your Elm setup, but it might look something like this:
$ elm make Main.elm --output=main.js
$ elm reactor
Then open a web browser and navigate to the local server address provided by elm reactor
(usually http://localhost:8000
). You should see “Working…” briefly displayed, followed by “Done!” after a second.
This example demonstrates how Elm handles asynchronous operations and state management in a functional, reactive manner.