Json in Elm
Here’s the translation of the JSON handling example from Go to Elm:
module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
-- We'll use these two types to demonstrate encoding and
-- decoding of custom types below.
type alias Response1 =
{ page : Int
, fruits : List String
type alias Response2 =
{ page : Int
, fruits : List String
main : Html msg
main =
div []
[ encodeExamples
, decodeExamples
encodeExamples : Html msg
encodeExamples =
div []
[ text "Encoding examples:"
, text <| "Bool: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.bool True)
, text <| "Int: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.int 1)
, text <| "Float: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.float 2.34)
, text <| "String: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.string "gopher")
, text <| "List: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.list Encode.string ["apple", "peach", "pear"])
, text <| "Object: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (Encode.object [ ("apple", Encode.int 5), ("lettuce", Encode.int 7) ])
, text <| "Custom type 1: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (encodeResponse1 { page = 1, fruits = ["apple", "peach", "pear"] })
, text <| "Custom type 2: " ++ Encode.encode 0 (encodeResponse2 { page = 1, fruits = ["apple", "peach", "pear"] })
encodeResponse1 : Response1 -> Encode.Value
encodeResponse1 response =
[ ("Page", Encode.int response.page)
, ("Fruits", Encode.list Encode.string response.fruits)
encodeResponse2 : Response2 -> Encode.Value
encodeResponse2 response =
[ ("page", Encode.int response.page)
, ("fruits", Encode.list Encode.string response.fruits)
decodeExamples : Html msg
decodeExamples =
jsonString = """{"num":6.13,"strs":["a","b"]}"""
decodedValue = Decode.decodeString decodeData jsonString
div []
[ text "Decoding examples:"
, text <| "Generic decode: " ++ Debug.toString decodedValue
, text <| "Custom type decode: " ++ Debug.toString (Decode.decodeString decodeResponse2 """{"page": 1, "fruits": ["apple", "peach"]}""")
decodeData : Decode.Decoder (Float, List String)
decodeData =
Decode.map2 Tuple.pair
(Decode.field "num" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "strs" (Decode.list Decode.string))
decodeResponse2 : Decode.Decoder Response2
decodeResponse2 =
Decode.map2 Response2
(Decode.field "page" Decode.int)
(Decode.field "fruits" (Decode.list Decode.string))
This Elm code demonstrates JSON encoding and decoding, which is analogous to the Go example. Here are some key points:
Elm uses the
modules for handling JSON.We define custom types
similar to the structs in the Go example.The
function shows how to encode various data types to JSON strings.Custom encoding functions
are defined to handle our custom types.The
function demonstrates decoding JSON strings into Elm values.We define custom decoders
to handle specific JSON structures.Elm’s type system ensures type safety when working with JSON data.
Unlike Go, Elm doesn’t have concepts like pointers or panic. Error handling is done through the
type.Elm doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s streaming JSON to
. Instead, you would typically use the encoded JSON string in HTTP requests or for other purposes.
This example showcases Elm’s strong typing and functional approach to handling JSON data, which differs from Go’s more imperative style but achieves similar results.