Range Over Channels in Elm

Our first example demonstrates how to iterate over values received from a channel. In Elm, we don’t have channels, but we can simulate this behavior using lists and recursion.

module Main exposing (main)

import Html exposing (Html, div, text)

type Msg
    = NoOp

type alias Model =
    { queue : List String

init : Model
init =
    { queue = [ "one", "two" ]

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        (List.map (\elem -> div [] [ text elem ]) model.queue)

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { model = init
        , update = update
        , view = view

In this Elm program, we’re simulating the behavior of iterating over a channel:

  1. We define a Model type that includes a queue field, which is a List String. This represents our channel.

  2. In the init function, we initialize our queue with two values, “one” and “two”.

  3. The view function is where we “iterate” over our queue. We use List.map to create a div element for each string in the queue.

  4. The main function sets up our Elm program using Html.beginnerProgram.

To run this program, you would typically compile it to JavaScript and include it in an HTML file. When run, it will display:


This example demonstrates how we can iterate over a collection of values in Elm. While Elm doesn’t have the concept of channels, we can achieve similar functionality using its built-in data structures and functional programming paradigms.

Elm’s approach to handling such operations is inherently different from imperative languages. It focuses on immutability and pure functions, which can lead to more predictable and easier to maintain code, especially in complex applications.