Sorting in Elm

Elm’s List module provides functions for sorting lists of comparable types. Let’s explore sorting for basic types.

import List
import Html exposing (Html, div, text)

main : Html msg
main =
    div []
        [ sortStrings
        , sortInts
        , checkSorted

sortStrings : Html msg
sortStrings =
        strs = ["c", "a", "b"]
        sortedStrs = List.sort strs
    div [] [ text ("Strings: " ++ Debug.toString sortedStrs) ]

sortInts : Html msg
sortInts =
        ints = [7, 2, 4]
        sortedInts = List.sort ints
    div [] [ text ("Ints:    " ++ Debug.toString sortedInts) ]

checkSorted : Html msg
checkSorted =
        ints = [2, 4, 7]
        isSorted = List.sort ints == ints
    div [] [ text ("Sorted:  " ++ Debug.toString isSorted) ]

Sorting functions in Elm work for any comparable type. The List.sort function can be used to sort lists of strings, integers, and other comparable types.

In this example, we define three functions:

  1. sortStrings: Sorts a list of strings.
  2. sortInts: Sorts a list of integers.
  3. checkSorted: Checks if a list is already sorted.

The main function combines these examples into a single HTML output.

To run this Elm program, you would typically compile it to JavaScript and run it in a web browser. The output would look something like this:

Strings: ["a","b","c"]
Ints:    [2,4,7]
Sorted:  true

Note that Elm doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s slices package. Instead, it provides sorting functionality through the List module. Also, Elm is a functional language, so the approach to sorting is slightly different from imperative languages like Go.