Variables in Elm

In Elm, variables are immutable by default and are declared using the `let` keyword. The compiler uses these declarations to check type-correctness of function calls.

import Html exposing (Html, text)
import String

main : Html msg
main =
        -- `let` declares one or more variables
        a = "initial"
        _ = Debug.log "a" a

        -- You can declare multiple variables at once
        (b, c) = (1, 2)
        _ = Debug.log "b and c" (String.fromInt b ++ ", " ++ String.fromInt c)

        -- Elm will infer the type of initialized variables
        d = True
        _ = Debug.log "d" (Debug.toString d)

        -- Variables in Elm are immutable, so there's no concept of "zero-value"
        -- Instead, we can use Maybe type to represent optional values
        e : Maybe Int
        e = Nothing
        _ = Debug.log "e" (Debug.toString e)

        -- In Elm, all variable declarations use the same syntax
        -- There's no shorthand like `:=` in Go
        f = "apple"
        _ = Debug.log "f" f
    text "Check the console for output"

To run this Elm program, you would typically compile it to JavaScript and run it in a web browser. The output would be visible in the browser’s console:

a: "initial"
b and c: "1, 2"
d: True
e: Nothing
f: "apple"

In Elm, all variables are immutable, so there’s no concept of declaring a variable without initialization. Instead, we use the Maybe type to represent optional values, which is similar to the concept of “zero-value” in some other languages.

Elm uses static typing and type inference, so you don’t always need to explicitly declare types. However, in some cases (like with e in this example), you might want to add type annotations for clarity or to restrict the type.

Remember that Elm is a functional language designed for web front-end development, so its paradigms and use cases differ significantly from imperative languages. This example demonstrates basic variable usage, but in a real Elm application, you would typically be working with more complex structures and the Elm Architecture.