Channels in Erlang

In Erlang, we use processes and message passing to achieve concurrency. This is similar to channels in other languages. Here’s how we can implement a simple message passing example:


start() ->
    % Spawn a new process that will send a message
    Pid = spawn(fun() -> send_message() end),
    % Receive the message from the spawned process
        {message, Msg} ->
            io:format("~p~n", [Msg])

send_message() ->
    % Send a message to the parent process
    Parent = self(),
    Parent ! {message, "ping"}.

In this Erlang code:

  1. We define a module called channels with a start/0 function.

  2. In the start/0 function, we spawn a new process using spawn(fun() -> send_message() end). This is similar to creating a new goroutine in other languages.

  3. The send_message/0 function sends a message "ping" to the parent process using the ! operator. This is equivalent to sending a value into a channel.

  4. Back in the start/0 function, we use the receive construct to wait for and receive the message. This is similar to receiving from a channel.

  5. When the message is received, we print it using io:format/2.

To run the program:

$ erlc channels.erl
$ erl -noshell -s channels start -s init stop

In this example, the “ping” message is successfully passed from one process to another via Erlang’s built-in message passing mechanism.

By default, Erlang’s message passing is asynchronous, but the receive construct allows us to wait for a message, providing synchronization similar to channel communication in other languages.

This demonstrates how Erlang’s processes and message passing can be used to achieve similar functionality to channels in concurrent programming.