Environment Variables in Erlang

Our program demonstrates how to work with environment variables in Erlang. Environment variables are a universal mechanism for conveying configuration information to Unix programs. Let’s look at how to set, get, and list environment variables.


main() ->
    % To set a key/value pair, use os:putenv/2. To get a
    % value for a key, use os:getenv/1. This will return
    % an empty string if the key isn't present in the
    % environment.
    os:putenv("FOO", "1"),
    io:format("FOO: ~s~n", [os:getenv("FOO")]),
    io:format("BAR: ~s~n", [os:getenv("BAR")]),

    % Use os:env/0 to list all key/value pairs in the
    % environment. This returns a list of tuples in the
    % form {Key, Value}. Here we print all the keys.
        fun({Key, _}) ->
            io:format("~s~n", [Key])

Running the program shows that we pick up the value for FOO that we set in the program, but that BAR is empty.

$ erl -noshell -s environment_variables main -s init stop
FOO: 1


The list of keys in the environment will depend on your particular machine.

If we set BAR in the environment first, the running program picks that value up.

$ BAR=2 erl -noshell -s environment_variables main -s init stop
FOO: 1
BAR: 2

In Erlang, we use the os module to interact with environment variables. The os:putenv/2 function is used to set environment variables, while os:getenv/1 is used to retrieve them. The os:env/0 function returns all environment variables as a list of key-value tuples.

Note that in Erlang, strings are represented as lists of integers, so we use "~s" in the format string of io:format/2 to print them as readable strings.