Methods in Erlang
Erlang supports functions defined on modules, which is somewhat similar to methods in object-oriented languages.
-export([new/2, area/1, perim/1]).
new(Width, Height) ->
#{width => Width, height => Height}.
This area
function takes a rect
map as its argument.
area(#{width := Width, height := Height}) ->
Width * Height.
Functions can be defined to work with different data structures. Here’s an example using a map.
perim(#{width := Width, height := Height}) ->
2 * Width + 2 * Height.
Here’s how we can use these functions:
main() ->
R = rect:new(10, 5),
% Here we call the 2 functions defined for our rect.
io:format("area: ~p~n", [rect:area(R)]),
io:format("perim: ~p~n", [rect:perim(R)]),
% Erlang doesn't have pointers, so there's no distinction between
% value and reference semantics as in some other languages.
% The same functions work on the same data structure.
io:format("area: ~p~n", [rect:area(R)]),
io:format("perim: ~p~n", [rect:perim(R)]).
To run this program:
$ erlc rect.erl
$ erl -noshell -s rect main -s init stop
area: 50
perim: 30
area: 50
perim: 30
In Erlang, we define functions that operate on data structures, rather than methods that are associated with objects. The concept of receiver types doesn’t exist in Erlang, as it’s not an object-oriented language. Instead, we pass the data structure as an argument to our functions.
Erlang’s pattern matching in function heads allows us to easily work with different data structures, providing a flexible way to define behavior for different types of data.
Next, we’ll look at Erlang’s mechanisms for defining behaviors and callbacks, which serve a similar purpose to interfaces in some other languages.