main() ->
% For example, rand:uniform(N) returns a random integer X, where 1 =< X =< N.
io:format("~p,~p~n", [rand:uniform(100), rand:uniform(100)]),
% rand:uniform() returns a random float F, where 0.0 =< F < 1.0.
io:format("~p~n", [rand:uniform()]),
% This can be used to generate random floats in other ranges, for example 5.0 =< F' < 10.0.
io:format("~p,~p~n", [5 + rand:uniform() * 5, 5 + rand:uniform() * 5]),
% If you want a known seed, create a new rand state using rand:seed/1.
% Here we use the 'exs1024' algorithm with a fixed seed.
State1 = rand:seed(exs1024, {1, 2, 3}),
{NewValue1, _} = rand:uniform_s(100, State1),
{NewValue2, _} = rand:uniform_s(100, State1),
io:format("~p,~p~n", [NewValue1, NewValue2]),
% Using the same seed will produce the same sequence of random numbers.
State2 = rand:seed(exs1024, {1, 2, 3}),
{NewValue3, _} = rand:uniform_s(100, State2),
{NewValue4, _} = rand:uniform_s(100, State2),
io:format("~p,~p~n", [NewValue3, NewValue4]).