Sorting in Erlang
Our example demonstrates sorting in Erlang. We’ll look at sorting for lists of different types.
main() ->
% Sorting functions in Erlang work for any comparable type.
Strs = ["c", "a", "b"],
SortedStrs = lists:sort(Strs),
io:format("Strings: ~p~n", [SortedStrs]),
% An example of sorting integers.
Ints = [7, 2, 4],
SortedInts = lists:sort(Ints),
io:format("Ints: ~p~n", [SortedInts]),
% We can also check if a list is already in sorted order.
IsSorted = lists:sort(SortedInts) =:= SortedInts,
io:format("Sorted: ~p~n", [IsSorted]).
To run the program, save it as sorting.erl
and use the Erlang shell:
$ erl
1> c(sorting).
2> sorting:main().
Strings: ["a","b","c"]
Ints: [2,4,7]
Sorted: true
In Erlang, the lists
module provides various functions for list manipulation, including sorting. The lists:sort/1
function is used to sort lists of any comparable type.
Unlike Go, Erlang doesn’t have a separate boolean type, so we use the atom true
to represent a boolean true value.
Erlang’s pattern matching and functional programming paradigm often allow for elegant solutions to sorting and searching problems. The language’s immutable data structures and built-in list manipulation functions make it well-suited for these kinds of operations.