String Formatting in Erlang


-record(point, {x, y}).

main() ->
    % Erlang offers several formatting options for strings and other data types.
    % Here are some examples of common string formatting tasks.

    % For basic string formatting, we can use the io:format function.
    P = #point{x = 1, y = 2},
    io:format("struct1: ~p~n", [P]),

    % To include record field names, we can use the #-syntax
    io:format("struct2: ~p~n", [P#point{x = P#point.x, y = P#point.y}]),

    % There's no direct equivalent to Go's %#v, but we can use ~p for a similar effect
    io:format("struct3: ~p~n", [P]),

    % To print the type of a value, we can use erlang:type_of/1
    io:format("type: ~p~n", [erlang:type_of(P)]),

    % Formatting booleans is straightforward
    io:format("bool: ~p~n", [true]),

    % For integers, use ~B for base 10
    io:format("int: ~B~n", [123]),

    % For binary representation, use ~.2B
    io:format("bin: ~.2B~n", [14]),

    % To print a character, use ~c
    io:format("char: ~c~n", [33]),

    % For hexadecimal, use ~.16B
    io:format("hex: ~.16B~n", [456]),

    % For basic float formatting, use ~f
    io:format("float1: ~f~n", [78.9]),

    % For scientific notation, use ~e
    io:format("float2: ~e~n", [123400000.0]),
    io:format("float3: ~E~n", [123400000.0]),

    % For basic string printing, use ~s
    io:format("str1: ~s~n", ["\"string\""]),

    % To include quotes, use ~p
    io:format("str2: ~p~n", ["\"string\""]),

    % For hexadecimal representation of a string, use ~.16B
    io:format("str3: ~.16B~n", [list_to_binary("hex this")]),

    % To print a pointer (reference in Erlang), use ~p
    io:format("pointer: ~p~n", [make_ref()]),

    % To control width, use ~B with a number
    io:format("width1: |~6B|~6B|~n", [12, 345]),

    % For floats with width and precision, use ~w.df
    io:format("width2: |~6.2f|~6.2f|~n", [1.2, 3.45]),

    % To left-justify, use - before the width
    io:format("width3: |~-6.2f|~-6.2f|~n", [1.2, 3.45]),

    % For strings with width
    io:format("width4: |~6s|~6s|~n", ["foo", "b"]),

    % Left-justified strings
    io:format("width5: |~-6s|~-6s|~n", ["foo", "b"]),

    % To format a string without printing, use io_lib:format
    S = io_lib:format("sprintf: a ~s", ["string"]),
    io:format("~s~n", [S]),

    % To print to standard error, use io:format(standard_error, ...)
    io:format(standard_error, "io: an ~s~n", ["error"]).

This Erlang code demonstrates various string formatting techniques similar to those shown in the Go example. Note that Erlang uses different formatting specifiers and functions for string formatting, but the general concepts are similar.

To run this program, save it as string_formatting.erl and use the following commands:

$ erlc string_formatting.erl
$ erl -noshell -s string_formatting main -s init stop

This will compile the Erlang file and run the main function, displaying the formatted output.