Xml in Erlang
-record(plant, {id, name, origin}).
main() ->
Coffee = #plant{id = 27, name = "Coffee", origin = ["Ethiopia", "Brazil"]},
% Emit XML representing our plant
{ok, CoffeeXml} = xmerl:export_simple([to_simple_form(Coffee)], xmerl_xml, [{indent, 2}]),
io:format("~s~n", [CoffeeXml]),
% To add a generic XML header to the output, prepend it explicitly
XmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>~n",
io:format(XmlHeader ++ CoffeeXml),
% Parse XML back into a data structure
{ParsedPlant, _} = xmerl_scan:string(CoffeeXml),
ParsedRecord = from_simple_form(ParsedPlant),
io:format("Plant id=~p, name=~p, origin=~p~n", [ParsedRecord#plant.id, ParsedRecord#plant.name, ParsedRecord#plant.origin]),
Tomato = #plant{id = 81, name = "Tomato", origin = ["Mexico", "California"]},
% Create a nesting structure
Nesting = {nesting, [], [
{parent, [], [
{child, [], [
{ok, NestingXml} = xmerl:export_simple([Nesting], xmerl_xml, [{indent, 2}]),
io:format("~s~n", [NestingXml]).
to_simple_form(#plant{id = Id, name = Name, origin = Origin}) ->
{plant, [{id, integer_to_list(Id)}], [
{name, [], [Name]},
[{origin, [], [O]} || O <- Origin]
from_simple_form({plant, Attrs, Content}) ->
Id = list_to_integer(proplists:get_value(id, Attrs)),
Name = extract_content(name, Content),
Origin = [extract_content(origin, C) || {origin, _, _} = C <- Content],
#plant{id = Id, name = Name, origin = Origin}.
extract_content(Tag, Content) ->
case lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Content) of
{Tag, _, [Value]} -> Value;
_ -> undefined
This Erlang code demonstrates XML processing using the built-in xmerl
library. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:
We define a
record to represent our data structure.The
function converts our record to a simple form thatxmerl
can process.We use
to convert our data structure to XML.To parse XML back into our data structure, we use
and then convert the parsed structure back to our record withfrom_simple_form/1
.We demonstrate nesting by creating a more complex structure with multiple plants.
helper function is used to extract content from the parsed XML structure.
To run this program, save it as xml_example.erl
and use the Erlang shell:
$ erl
1> c(xml_example).
2> xml_example:main().
This will output the XML representations and the parsed data structure.
Note that Erlang’s approach to XML processing is quite different from other languages. It uses a simple form representation of XML that consists of tuples and lists. This approach can be more verbose but offers great flexibility in handling XML data.