File Paths in Fortran
The filepath
module in Fortran is not a standard feature, so we’ll use string manipulation and system-specific functions to handle file paths. This example demonstrates how to work with file paths in Fortran, focusing on portability between operating systems.
program file_paths
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: p, filename, ext
logical :: is_absolute
integer :: last_separator, dot_position
! Join should be used to construct paths in a portable way.
! In Fortran, we'll use a simple concatenation function.
p = join_path("dir1", "dir2", "filename")
print *, "p:", p
! Demonstrate path normalization
print *, join_path("dir1//", "filename")
print *, join_path("dir1/../dir1", "filename")
! Split a path into directory and file components
call split_path(p, last_separator)
print *, "Dir(p):", p(:last_separator)
print *, "Base(p):", p(last_separator+1:)
! Check if a path is absolute
is_absolute = is_path_absolute("dir/file")
print *, is_absolute
is_absolute = is_path_absolute("/dir/file")
print *, is_absolute
filename = "config.json"
! Extract file extension
dot_position = index(filename, ".", back=.true.)
if (dot_position > 0) then
ext = filename(dot_position:)
print *, ext
print *, "No extension found"
end if
! Remove file extension
if (dot_position > 0) then
print *, filename(:dot_position-1)
print *, filename
end if
! Finding relative paths is complex and system-dependent in Fortran
print *, "Relative path operations are not directly supported"
function join_path(path1, path2, path3) result(joined)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path1, path2
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: path3
character(len=:), allocatable :: joined
character(len=1) :: separator
separator = '/' ! Use '/' for Unix-like systems, '\' for Windows
if (present(path3)) then
joined = trim(path1) // separator // trim(path2) // separator // trim(path3)
joined = trim(path1) // separator // trim(path2)
end if
end function join_path
subroutine split_path(path, last_separator)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
integer, intent(out) :: last_separator
integer :: i
last_separator = 0
do i = len(path), 1, -1
if (path(i:i) == '/' .or. path(i:i) == '\') then
last_separator = i
end if
end do
end subroutine split_path
function is_path_absolute(path) result(is_absolute)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
logical :: is_absolute
is_absolute = (len(path) > 0 .and. (path(1:1) == '/' .or. path(1:1) == '\'))
end function is_path_absolute
end program file_paths
This Fortran program demonstrates basic file path operations:
We define a
function to concatenate path components, similar to thefilepath.Join
function in the original example.Path splitting is done using a
subroutine, which finds the last separator in the path.We check if a path is absolute using the
function.File extension extraction and removal are performed using string manipulation.
Relative path operations are not directly supported in standard Fortran, so we’ve omitted that part.
To run the program, save it as file_paths.f90
and compile it using a Fortran compiler:
$ gfortran file_paths.f90 -o file_paths
$ ./file_paths
Note that Fortran doesn’t have built-in modules for advanced file path manipulation, so this example uses basic string operations. For more complex path handling, you might need to use system-specific libraries or write more elaborate functions.