This Fortran code demonstrates concepts similar to those in the Go generics example:
We’ve created a module generics_module to encapsulate our generic types and functions.
Instead of Go’s generics, we’ve used Fortran’s unlimited polymorphic feature (class(*)) to create a list that can hold any type of data.
The slices_index function is implemented for integer arrays, as Fortran doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s generic SlicesIndex function.
We’ve created a list type with push and all_elements methods, similar to the Go example.
In the main program, we demonstrate the use of slices_index and the list type.
To compile and run this Fortran program:
Note that Fortran’s approach to generic programming is different from Go’s. Fortran uses features like unlimited polymorphic types and type-bound procedures to achieve similar functionality. The exact output may vary depending on the Fortran compiler and version used.