Number Parsing in Fortran
Parsing numbers from strings is a basic but common task in many programs; here’s how to do it in Fortran.
program number_parsing
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real64, int64
implicit none
real(real64) :: f
integer(int64) :: i, d, u, k
integer :: stat
character(len=20) :: error_msg
! Parse a float
read('(F10.3)', '1.234') f
print *, f
! Parse an integer
read('(I10)', '123') i
print *, i
! Parse a hexadecimal number
read('(Z10)', '1c8') d
print *, d
! Parse an unsigned integer (Fortran doesn't have unsigned types, so we use int64)
read('(I10)', '789') u
print *, u
! Parse a basic base-10 integer
read('(I10)', '135') k
print *, k
! Demonstrate error handling
read('(I10)', '(A)', iostat=stat, iomsg=error_msg) k
if (stat /= 0) then
print *, trim(error_msg)
end if
end program number_parsing
In Fortran, we use the read
statement for parsing numbers from strings. The read
statement can be used with internal files (strings) to convert string representations to numeric values.
For floating-point numbers, we use the F
edit descriptor. The 10.3
in F10.3
specifies a field width of 10 and 3 decimal places.
For integers, we use the I
edit descriptor. The 10
in I10
specifies a field width of 10.
For hexadecimal numbers, we use the Z
edit descriptor.
Fortran doesn’t have unsigned integer types, so we use integer(int64)
for all integer types.
To handle errors, we use the iostat
and iomsg
specifiers in the read
statement. If an error occurs during parsing, iostat
will be non-zero and iomsg
will contain an error message.
To run the program, save it as number_parsing.f90
and compile it with a Fortran compiler:
$ gfortran number_parsing.f90 -o number_parsing
$ ./number_parsing
Invalid integer
Note that the exact output format may vary depending on the compiler and system settings.
Fortran’s built-in parsing capabilities are more limited compared to some other languages, but they are sufficient for basic number parsing tasks. For more complex parsing needs, you might need to use additional libraries or implement custom parsing routines.