Title here
Summary here
Here’s the translation of the Go testing and benchmarking example to Fortran, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
! Unit testing is an important part of writing principled Fortran programs.
! While Fortran doesn't have a built-in testing framework like Go's testing package,
! we can create a simple testing framework ourselves.
! For the sake of demonstration, this code is in the main program,
! but it could be in any module. Testing code typically lives in the same
! module as the code it tests.
program testing_and_benchmarking
implicit none
! We'll be testing this simple implementation of an integer minimum.
! Typically, the code we're testing would be in a separate module.
integer function IntMin(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
if (a < b) then
IntMin = a
IntMin = b
end if
end function IntMin
! A test is created by writing a subroutine with a descriptive name.
subroutine TestIntMinBasic()
integer :: ans
ans = IntMin(2, -2)
if (ans /= -2) then
print *, "Error: IntMin(2, -2) = ", ans, "; want -2"
end if
end subroutine TestIntMinBasic
! Writing tests can be repetitive, so it's useful to use a table-driven style,
! where test inputs and expected outputs are listed in an array and a single loop
! walks over them and performs the test logic.
subroutine TestIntMinTableDriven()
integer, parameter :: num_tests = 5
integer :: tests(num_tests, 3) = reshape([ &
0, 1, 0, &
1, 0, 0, &
2, -2, -2, &
0, -1, -1, &
-1, 0, -1 &
], [num_tests, 3])
integer :: i, ans
do i = 1, num_tests
ans = IntMin(tests(i, 1), tests(i, 2))
if (ans /= tests(i, 3)) then
print *, "Error: IntMin(", tests(i, 1), ",", tests(i, 2), &
") = ", ans, "; want ", tests(i, 3)
end if
end do
end subroutine TestIntMinTableDriven
! Benchmark tests in Fortran typically involve timing the execution
! of a function over many iterations.
subroutine BenchmarkIntMin()
integer, parameter :: num_iterations = 1000000
integer :: i
real :: start_time, end_time
call cpu_time(start_time)
do i = 1, num_iterations
call IntMin(1, 2)
end do
call cpu_time(end_time)
print *, "BenchmarkIntMin: ", num_iterations, " iterations in ", &
end_time - start_time, " seconds"
end subroutine BenchmarkIntMin
! Main program to run all tests and benchmarks
call TestIntMinBasic()
call TestIntMinTableDriven()
call BenchmarkIntMin()
end program testing_and_benchmarking
To run the program:
$ gfortran -o testing_and_benchmarking testing_and_benchmarking.f90
$ ./testing_and_benchmarking
BenchmarkIntMin: 1000000 iterations in 0.00300000014 seconds
This Fortran code demonstrates a basic approach to testing and benchmarking. Unlike Go, Fortran doesn’t have built-in testing or benchmarking frameworks, so we’ve implemented simple versions ourselves. The structure and explanations have been adapted to fit Fortran’s syntax and conventions.
In this example:
function that we want to test.TestIntMinBasic
and TestIntMinTableDriven
) that check the function’s correctness.BenchmarkIntMin
) that measures the time taken to run the function many times.Note that this is a basic implementation. For more comprehensive testing in Fortran, you might want to use a testing framework like pFUnit or FRUIT, which provide more features and better integration with build systems.