Text Templates in Fortran
Fortran offers string manipulation capabilities that can be used to create dynamic content or show customized output to the user. While it doesn’t have a built-in templating system like some modern languages, we can implement a simple templating mechanism using string operations.
program text_templates
implicit none
character(len=100) :: template
character(len=100) :: result
! Simple template with a placeholder
template = "Value is {}"
! Replace placeholder with a string
call replace_placeholder(template, "some text", result)
print *, result
! Replace placeholder with a number
call replace_placeholder(template, "5", result)
print *, result
! Template with a named placeholder
template = "Name: {name}"
! Replace named placeholder
call replace_named_placeholder(template, "name", "Jane Doe", result)
print *, result
! Conditional template
template = "{% if .nonempty %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}"
! Execute conditional template
call execute_conditional(template, .true., result)
print *, result
call execute_conditional(template, .false., result)
print *, result
! Range template
template = "Range: {% for item in items %}{item} {% endfor %}"
! Execute range template
call execute_range(template, ["Go", "Rust", "C++", "C#"], result)
print *, result
subroutine replace_placeholder(tmpl, value, output)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tmpl, value
character(len=*), intent(out) :: output
integer :: pos
output = tmpl
pos = index(output, "{}")
if (pos > 0) then
output = output(1:pos-1) // trim(value) // output(pos+2:)
end if
end subroutine replace_placeholder
subroutine replace_named_placeholder(tmpl, name, value, output)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tmpl, name, value
character(len=*), intent(out) :: output
integer :: pos
character(len=100) :: placeholder
output = tmpl
write(placeholder, '(A,A,A)') "{", trim(name), "}"
pos = index(output, trim(placeholder))
if (pos > 0) then
output = output(1:pos-1) // trim(value) // output(pos+len_trim(placeholder):)
end if
end subroutine replace_named_placeholder
subroutine execute_conditional(tmpl, condition, output)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tmpl
logical, intent(in) :: condition
character(len=*), intent(out) :: output
integer :: if_pos, else_pos, endif_pos
if_pos = index(tmpl, "{% if")
else_pos = index(tmpl, "{% else")
endif_pos = index(tmpl, "{% endif")
if (condition) then
output = tmpl(if_pos+13:else_pos-1)
output = tmpl(else_pos+8:endif_pos-1)
end if
end subroutine execute_conditional
subroutine execute_range(tmpl, items, output)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tmpl
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: items
character(len=*), intent(out) :: output
integer :: i, start_pos, end_pos
character(len=100) :: item_template, item_result
start_pos = index(tmpl, "{% for") + 19
end_pos = index(tmpl, "{% endfor") - 1
item_template = tmpl(start_pos:end_pos)
output = ""
do i = 1, size(items)
call replace_placeholder(item_template, trim(items(i)), item_result)
output = trim(output) // " " // trim(item_result)
end do
end subroutine execute_range
end program text_templates
This Fortran program demonstrates a basic templating system using string manipulation. While it’s not as sophisticated as the text/template package in some other languages, it provides similar functionality:
We define a simple template with placeholders and use the
subroutine to replace them with values.We implement a named placeholder system using the
subroutine.We create a basic conditional templating system with the
subroutine, which selects different parts of the template based on a condition.We implement a simple loop construct with the
subroutine, which repeats a part of the template for each item in an array.
To run this program, save it to a file (e.g., text_templates.f90
) and compile it using a Fortran compiler:
$ gfortran text_templates.f90 -o text_templates
$ ./text_templates
This will output:
Value is some text
Value is 5
Name: Jane Doe
Range: Go Rust C++ C#
While this implementation is basic, it demonstrates how you can create a simple templating system in Fortran. For more complex use cases, you might want to consider using external libraries or implementing a more robust parsing system.