In Java, we can use threads and synchronization mechanisms to coordinate execution across different parts of our program. Here’s an example of using a CountDownLatch to wait for a worker thread to finish. When waiting for multiple threads to finish, you may prefer to use an ExecutorService with a thread pool.
To run the program:
If you removed the latch.await() line from this program, the main thread would exit before the worker thread even started its work.
In this Java version:
We use a CountDownLatch instead of a channel for synchronization.
The worker method is defined as a static method in the same class, rather than as a separate function.
We create a new Thread and start it, passing a lambda that calls our worker method.
Instead of sending a value on a channel, we call countDown() on the latch to signal completion.
In the main thread, we use latch.await() to wait for the worker thread to finish, which is analogous to receiving from a channel in the Go version.
This approach achieves the same goal of synchronizing the main thread with a worker thread, using Java’s built-in concurrency utilities.