In Java, error handling is typically done through exceptions, which is different from the explicit error return values used in some other languages. Java uses a try-catch mechanism to handle exceptions. Let’s see how we can implement similar functionality:
In Java, we use exceptions to handle errors. Here’s how the concepts translate:
Instead of returning an error, we throw an exception.
Custom errors are implemented as custom exception classes.
The try-catch block is used to handle exceptions, similar to checking for non-nil errors.
We can catch specific types of exceptions, which is similar to using errors.Is() in some other languages.
Java’s exception handling mechanism allows for a hierarchy of exceptions, which can be useful for grouping related error types. The throws clause in method signatures explicitly declares which exceptions a method might throw, providing information to the caller about potential error conditions.
When you run this program, you’ll see output similar to:
This example demonstrates how to create and use custom exceptions, throw exceptions in methods, and catch and handle different types of exceptions in Java.