Embed Directive in F#

Here’s the translation of the Go code example to F#, along with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:

F# doesn’t have a direct equivalent to the embed directive, but we can achieve similar functionality using EmbeddedResource in F#/.NET. Here’s how we can approach this:

open System.Reflection
open System.IO

// Define a type to hold our embedded resources
type EmbeddedFiles = class end

// Read the contents of an embedded resource as a string
let readEmbeddedResourceAsString (resourceName: string) =
    let assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    use stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)
    use reader = new StreamReader(stream)

// Read the contents of an embedded resource as bytes
let readEmbeddedResourceAsBytes (resourceName: string) =
    let assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    use stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)
    use memoryStream = new MemoryStream()

let main argv =
    // Print out the contents of 'single_file.txt'
    let fileString = readEmbeddedResourceAsString "EmbeddedFiles.folder.single_file.txt"
    printfn "%s" fileString

    let fileByte = readEmbeddedResourceAsBytes "EmbeddedFiles.folder.single_file.txt"
    printfn "%s" (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileByte))

    // Retrieve some files from the embedded folder
    let content1 = readEmbeddedResourceAsString "EmbeddedFiles.folder.file1.hash"
    printfn "%s" content1

    let content2 = readEmbeddedResourceAsString "EmbeddedFiles.folder.file2.hash"
    printfn "%s" content2

    0 // return an integer exit code

To use this code, you need to add your files as embedded resources in your F# project. In Visual Studio, you can do this by:

  1. Right-clicking on the file in Solution Explorer
  2. Selecting “Properties”
  3. Setting “Build Action” to “Embedded Resource”

Alternatively, if you’re using a .fsproj file directly, you can add the following lines:

    <EmbeddedResource Include="folder\single_file.txt" />
    <EmbeddedResource Include="folder\file1.hash" />
    <EmbeddedResource Include="folder\file2.hash" />

Now, let’s break down the code:

  1. We define a type EmbeddedFiles to serve as a namespace for our embedded resources.

  2. We create two helper functions:

    • readEmbeddedResourceAsString: Reads an embedded resource as a string.
    • readEmbeddedResourceAsBytes: Reads an embedded resource as a byte array.
  3. In the main function:

    • We read and print the contents of single_file.txt as both a string and a byte array.
    • We read and print the contents of file1.hash and file2.hash.

To run this example:

  1. Create a folder named “folder” in your project directory.
  2. Create the following files with the specified content:
    • folder/single_file.txt: “hello f#”
    • folder/file1.hash: “123”
    • folder/file2.hash: “456”
  3. Add these files as embedded resources to your project.
  4. Compile and run the program.

The output should be:

hello f#
hello f#

This approach provides similar functionality to the embed directive in F#, allowing you to include file contents in your compiled assembly and access them at runtime.