Title here
Summary here
Our example will demonstrate how to work with iterators and linked lists. Here’s the full source code.
open System
// Define an element and list type
type Element<'T> =
{ mutable Next: Element<'T> option
Value: 'T }
type List<'T>() =
let mutable head: Element<'T> option = None
let mutable tail: Element<'T> option = None
member this.Push (value: 'T) =
let newElement = { Next = None; Value = value }
match tail with
| None ->
head <- Some newElement
tail <- Some newElement
| Some lastElement ->
lastElement.Next <- Some newElement
tail <- Some newElement
member this.All () = seq {
let mutable current = head
while current.IsSome do
yield current.Value.Value
current <- current.Value.Next
// Generator function for Fibonacci sequence
let genFib () = seq {
let mutable a = 1
let mutable b = 1
while true do
yield a
let temp = a
a <- b
b <- temp + b
let main argv =
// Create and populate the list
let lst = List<int>()
lst.Push 10
lst.Push 13
lst.Push 23
// Iterate over the list and print elements
for e in lst.All() do
printfn "%d" e
// Collect all elements into a list
let all = lst.All() |> Seq.toList
printfn "all: %A" all
// Generate Fibonacci numbers
for n in genFib() do
if n >= 10 then
printfn "%d" n
Let’s break down what this example does:
and List
type. Each element can be linked to the next element creating a linked list.Push
method adds values to the list.All
method returns an F# sequence (seq
) that iterates over all elements.genFib
generates an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers.main
function, we create a list, populate it, and print the items.genFib
function to print Fibonacci numbers until a specific condition is met.Running this code will produce the following output:
all: [10; 13; 23]
Next example: Errors.