In F#, variables are typically declared using let bindings. These can be mutable or immutable, with immutability being the default and preferred approach.
To run the program, save it as Variables.fs and use the F# compiler (fsc) to compile it, then run the resulting executable:
In F#:
Variables are called bindings and are immutable by default.
Type inference is used extensively, but you can also explicitly specify types.
Multiple bindings can be declared in a single let statement.
Mutable bindings are possible but less common, following functional programming principles.
The <- operator is used to assign new values to mutable bindings.
There’s no direct equivalent to Go’s zero-value concept; instead, you typically initialize values explicitly or use Unchecked.defaultof<'T> for default values.
F# encourages immutability and functional programming paradigms, which can lead to more predictable and easier to reason about code.