Channel Buffering in GDScript

# By default, GDScript doesn't have built-in channels like Go.
# However, we can simulate a buffered channel using an Array.

extends Node

# Here we create an Array to simulate a channel of strings
# buffering up to 2 values.
var messages = []
var buffer_size = 2

func _ready():
    # Because this "channel" is buffered, we can add these
    # values into the array without a corresponding
    # concurrent receive.

    # Later we can receive these two values as usual.

func send(message):
    if messages.size() < buffer_size:
        print("Buffer full, cannot send message")

func receive():
    if not messages.empty():
        return messages.pop_front()
        return "Buffer empty"

In GDScript, which is the scripting language used in the Godot game engine, we don’t have built-in channels like in Go. However, we can simulate the behavior of a buffered channel using an Array.

We create an Array called messages to hold our buffered messages, and set a buffer_size of 2 to mimic the behavior of the Go example.

The send function adds a message to our “channel” (Array) if there’s room, and the receive function removes and returns a message from the front of the Array.

In the _ready function (which is called when the node enters the scene tree), we demonstrate sending two messages to our buffered “channel” and then receiving them.

To run this script in Godot:

  1. Create a new script in your Godot project.
  2. Copy this code into the script.
  3. Attach the script to a Node in your scene.
  4. Run the scene.

The output in the Godot console should be:


This example demonstrates how we can simulate channel-like behavior in GDScript, even though it doesn’t have built-in support for channels like Go does.