Embed Directive in GDScript

Here’s the translation of the Go code to GDScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our first program will demonstrate embedding files and folders into the binary at build time. Here’s the full source code:

extends Node

# GDScript doesn't have a direct equivalent to Go's embed directive.
# Instead, we can use Godot's built-in functionality to load files.

# Load the contents of a single file as a string
var file_string = preload("res://folder/single_file.txt").get_as_text()

# Load the contents of a single file as a byte array
var file_byte = preload("res://folder/single_file.txt").get_buffer()

# Load multiple files from a folder
var folder = load("res://folder")

func _ready():
    # Print out the contents of 'single_file.txt'

    # Retrieve some files from the loaded folder
    var content1 = load("res://folder/file1.hash").get_as_text()

    var content2 = load("res://folder/file2.hash").get_as_text()

In GDScript, we don’t have a direct equivalent to the embed directive. However, we can achieve similar functionality using Godot’s resource system and file loading capabilities.

To use this script:

  1. Create a new Godot project.
  2. Create a folder named “folder” in the project’s root directory.
  3. Add the following files to the “folder”:
    • single_file.txt with the content “hello godot”
    • file1.hash with the content “123”
    • file2.hash with the content “456”
  4. Create a new script, paste the above code, and attach it to a Node in your scene.

When you run the scene, you should see the following output:

hello godot
hello godot

Note that in GDScript, we use the preload and load functions to read file contents. preload is used for files that are known at compile-time and will be included in the exported project, while load can be used for dynamically loading resources at runtime.

The get_as_text() method is used to get the content of text files, while get_buffer() can be used to get the raw byte data of a file.

This approach allows you to include arbitrary files in your Godot project and access them at runtime, similar to the embed directive in Go.