Http Server in GDScript

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Server example from Go to GDScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

extends Node

# Writing a basic HTTP server is easy using the HTTPServer class.

# A fundamental concept in HTTP servers is handlers. In GDScript,
# we can use functions as handlers.

func _ready():
    var server =
    server.set_handler("/hello", self, "hello_handler")
    server.set_handler("/headers", self, "headers_handler")
    var error = server.start()
    if error != OK:
        print("Failed to start server: ", error)
        print("Server started on port 8090")

# Functions serving as handlers take an HTTPServerRequest and an
# HTTPServerResponse as arguments. The response is used to fill in the
# HTTP response. Here our simple response is just "hello\n".
func hello_handler(request: HTTPServerRequest, response: HTTPServerResponse):
    response.body = "hello\n"

# This handler does something a little more sophisticated by reading all
# the HTTP request headers and echoing them into the response body.
func headers_handler(request: HTTPServerRequest, response: HTTPServerResponse):
    var headers_text = ""
    for header in request.headers:
        headers_text += "%s: %s\n" % [header, request.headers[header]]
    response.body = headers_text

In this GDScript example, we’re using the HTTPServer class to create a simple HTTP server. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We extend from Node, which is a basic building block in Godot.

  2. In the _ready() function (which is called when the node enters the scene tree):

    • We create an HTTPServer instance.
    • Set the port to 8090.
    • Register our handler functions using set_handler().
    • Start the server.
  3. We define two handler functions:

    • hello_handler: Simply responds with “hello\n”.
    • headers_handler: Echoes back all the request headers.
  4. Each handler function takes an HTTPServerRequest and an HTTPServerResponse as parameters, which are used to access request information and send the response, respectively.

To run this server in Godot:

  1. Create a new script and paste this code.
  2. Attach the script to a Node in your scene.
  3. Run the scene.

You can then access the server:

$ curl localhost:8090/hello

$ curl localhost:8090/headers
Host: localhost:8090
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: */*

Note that GDScript and Godot’s HTTP server implementation might have some limitations compared to Go’s net/http package. For more complex server applications, you might need to use additional Godot features or consider using a different language/framework.