Regular Expressions in GDScript

# GDScript offers built-in support for regular expressions.
# Here are some examples of common regexp-related tasks in GDScript.

extends Node

func _ready():
    # This tests whether a pattern matches a string.
    var regex =
    var result ="peach")
    print(result != null)

    # Many methods are available on the RegEx object. Here's
    # a match test like we saw earlier.
    print("peach") != null)

    # This finds the match for the regexp.
    result ="peach punch")
    if result:

    # This also finds the first match but returns the
    # start and end indexes for the match instead of the
    # matching text.
    result ="peach punch")
    if result:
        print("idx:", [result.get_start(), result.get_end()])

    # The captured groups include information about
    # both the whole-pattern matches and the submatches
    # within those matches. For example this will return
    # information for both p([a-z]+)ch and ([a-z]+).
    result ="peach punch")
    if result:

    # Similarly this will return information about the
    # indexes of matches and submatches.
    result ="peach punch")
    if result:
        print([result.get_start(), result.get_end(), 
               result.get_start(1), result.get_end(1)])

    # To find all matches for a regexp, we can use search_all.
    var results = regex.search_all("peach punch pinch")
    var matches = []
    for res in results:

    # These search_all results are available for the other
    # functions we saw above as well.
    results = regex.search_all("peach punch pinch")
    var all_indices = []
    for res in results:
        all_indices.append([res.get_start(), res.get_end(), 
                            res.get_start(1), res.get_end(1)])
    print("all:", all_indices)

    # The regexp package can also be used to replace
    # subsets of strings with other values.
    var replaced = regex.sub("a peach", "<fruit>", true)

    # The sub_func variant allows you to transform matched
    # text with a given function.
    func to_upper(result: RegExMatch) -> String:
        return result.get_string().to_upper()

    replaced = regex.sub("a peach", to_upper)

# Output:
# true
# true
# peach
# idx: [0, 5]
# [peach, ea]
# [0, 5, 1, 3]
# [peach, punch, pinch]
# all: [[0, 5, 1, 3], [6, 11, 7, 9], [12, 17, 13, 15]]
# a <fruit>

# For a complete reference on GDScript regular expressions,
# check the RegEx class documentation in the Godot docs.

This GDScript code demonstrates the use of regular expressions, which is similar to Go’s regexp package. Here are some key differences and notes:

  1. GDScript uses the RegEx class for regular expressions.
  2. The compile method is used to create a regex pattern.
  3. The search method is used for finding matches, similar to Go’s FindString and related methods.
  4. GDScript doesn’t have separate methods for string and byte slice operations. All operations are performed on strings.
  5. The search_all method is used to find all matches, similar to Go’s FindAllString.
  6. GDScript uses sub for replacements, which is similar to Go’s ReplaceAllString.
  7. For function-based replacements, GDScript allows you to pass a function to sub, similar to Go’s ReplaceAllFunc.

The structure and explanation have been maintained as much as possible, with adaptations made for GDScript’s syntax and features. This example should provide a good overview of working with regular expressions in GDScript.