Sorting By Functions in GDScript

Our example demonstrates how to implement custom sorting in GDScript. We’ll sort strings by their length and custom objects by a specific property.

extends Node

func _ready():
    var fruits = ["peach", "banana", "kiwi"]
    # We implement a comparison function for string lengths.
    # GDScript doesn't have a built-in cmp function, so we'll create our own.
    var len_cmp = func(a: String, b: String) -> bool:
        return a.length() < b.length()
    # Now we can call sort_custom with this custom comparison function
    # to sort fruits by name length.
    # We can use the same technique to sort an array of
    # custom objects.
    class Person:
        var name: String
        var age: int
        func _init(n: String, a: int):
            name = n
            age = a
        func _to_string():
            return "{name: %s, age: %d}" % [name, age]
    var people = ["Jax", 37),"TJ", 25),"Alex", 72)
    # Sort people by age using sort_custom.
    people.sort_custom(func(a: Person, b: Person) -> bool:
        return a.age < b.age)

In this GDScript example, we’re using the sort_custom method, which is similar to Go’s slices.SortFunc. The sort_custom method takes a comparison function as an argument.

For the string length comparison, we create a custom function len_cmp that compares the lengths of two strings. We then use this function to sort the fruits array.

For sorting custom objects, we define a Person class with name and age properties. We then create an array of Person objects and sort them based on their age using another custom comparison function.

Note that in GDScript, unlike Go, the comparison function should return a boolean value: true if the first argument should be sorted before the second, and false otherwise.

When you run this script, you should see output similar to this:

["kiwi", "peach", "banana"]
[{name: TJ, age: 25}, {name: Jax, age: 37}, {name: Alex, age: 72}]

This demonstrates how we can implement custom sorting logic in GDScript, allowing us to sort both built-in types and custom objects according to specific criteria.