Temporary Files And Directories in GDScript

In GDScript, we can create temporary files and directories using the built-in File and Directory classes. Here’s how we can achieve similar functionality:

extends SceneTree

func _init():
    # The easiest way to create a temporary file is by
    # using the File class. We'll create a file in the user://
    # directory, which is the user-specific directory for the game.
    var file = File.new()
    var temp_file_name = "user://temp_" + str(randi()) + ".tmp"
    var err = file.open(temp_file_name, File.WRITE)
    if err != OK:
        print("Error creating temporary file")

    # Display the name of the temporary file.
    print("Temp file name:", temp_file_name)

    # We can write some data to the file.
    file.store_buffer(PoolByteArray([1, 2, 3, 4]))

    # Clean up the file after we're done.
    var dir = Directory.new()

    # If we intend to create many temporary files, we may
    # prefer to create a temporary directory.
    var temp_dir_name = "user://temp_dir_" + str(randi())
    err = dir.make_dir(temp_dir_name)
    if err != OK:
        print("Error creating temporary directory")

    print("Temp dir name:", temp_dir_name)

    # Now we can create files in this temporary directory.
    var temp_file_in_dir = temp_dir_name.plus_file("file1.tmp")
    err = file.open(temp_file_in_dir, File.WRITE)
    if err == OK:
        file.store_buffer(PoolByteArray([1, 2]))

    # Clean up the directory and its contents

func remove_directory_recursive(path):
    var dir = Directory.new()
    if dir.open(path) == OK:
        dir.list_dir_begin(true, true)
        var file_name = dir.get_next()
        while file_name != "":
            if dir.current_is_dir():
            file_name = dir.get_next()

# Run the script
var script = load("res://temporary_files_and_directories.gd")
var instance = script.new()

This script demonstrates how to create temporary files and directories in GDScript. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. We create a temporary file using the File class. The file is created in the user:// directory, which is specific to the user’s game data.

  2. We write some data to the file using store_buffer().

  3. We then create a temporary directory using the Directory class.

  4. We create a file within this temporary directory.

  5. Finally, we clean up by removing both the temporary file and the temporary directory (including its contents).

Note that GDScript doesn’t have built-in functions for creating temporary files or directories with random names, so we generate random names ourselves using randi().

Also, unlike the Go example, we need to manually implement recursive directory deletion in GDScript, which is done in the remove_directory_recursive function.

To run this script, save it as temporary_files_and_directories.gd in your Godot project and execute it as a script. The output will show the names of the temporary file and directory created.

Remember that in a real Godot game, you would typically integrate this functionality into your game scenes and scripts rather than running it as a standalone script.