Channel Directions in Groovy

In Groovy, we can simulate channel-like behavior using queues from the java.util.concurrent package. Here’s how we can implement a similar concept:

import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue

// This `ping` function only accepts a queue for sending
// values. It would be a runtime error to try to
// receive from this queue.
def ping(BlockingQueue<String> pings, String msg) {

// The `pong` function accepts one queue for receives
// (`pings`) and a second for sends (`pongs`).
def pong(BlockingQueue<String> pings, BlockingQueue<String> pongs) {
    def msg = pings.take()

// In the main function, we create the queues and call
// the functions
def main() {
    def pings = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(1)
    def pongs = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(1)
    ping(pings, "passed message")
    pong(pings, pongs)


When using queues as function parameters in Groovy, we can’t specify if a queue is meant to only send or receive values as strictly as in the original example. However, we can use the BlockingQueue interface to simulate this behavior.

The ping function accepts a BlockingQueue for sending values. It uses the put method to add a message to the queue.

The pong function accepts two BlockingQueues: one for receives (pings) and one for sends (pongs). It uses the take method to receive a message from pings and the put method to send a message to pongs.

In the main function, we create two LinkedBlockingQueues with a capacity of 1 to simulate the behavior of the original channels. We then call the ping and pong functions, and finally print the result.

To run the program:

$ groovy channel-directions.groovy
passed message

This example demonstrates how to use queues in Groovy to achieve behavior similar to channel directions in other languages. While Groovy doesn’t have built-in channel types, the use of BlockingQueue provides a similar mechanism for communication between different parts of a program.