Non Blocking Channel Operations in Groovy

Basic sends and receives on channels are blocking in Groovy as well. However, we can use select with a default clause to implement non-blocking operations. Here’s how we can achieve this in Groovy:


def messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue()
def signals = new LinkedBlockingQueue()

// Here's a non-blocking receive. If a value is
// available in `messages` then it will be processed,
// if not, it will immediately take the `default` case.
def select = { ->
    if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
        def msg = messages.poll()
        println "received message $msg"
    } else {
        println "no message received"


// A non-blocking send works similarly. Here `msg`
// cannot be sent to the `messages` queue if it's full,
// so the `default` case is selected.
def msg = "hi"
if (messages.offer(msg)) {
    println "sent message $msg"
} else {
    println "no message sent"

// We can use multiple conditions to implement a multi-way
// non-blocking select. Here we attempt non-blocking receives
// on both `messages` and `signals`.
if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
    def msg = messages.poll()
    println "received message $msg"
} else if (!signals.isEmpty()) {
    def sig = signals.poll()
    println "received signal $sig"
} else {
    println "no activity"

To run the program:

$ groovy non_blocking_operations.groovy
no message received
no message sent
no activity

In this Groovy example, we’re using LinkedBlockingQueue to simulate channels. The offer method is used for non-blocking sends, and poll for non-blocking receives. The select construct is simulated using if-else statements.

Note that Groovy doesn’t have built-in support for Go-like channels and select statements. This example provides a similar behavior, but it’s not an exact equivalent. In more complex scenarios, you might want to consider using GPars library which provides more advanced concurrency primitives in Groovy.