Here’s the translation of the rate limiting example from Go to Haskell:
This Haskell code implements rate limiting using channels (Chan) and threads. Here’s a breakdown of the translation:
We use Control.Concurrent.Chan for channels instead of Go’s built-in channels.
Go’s goroutines are replaced with Haskell’s forkIO for creating new threads.
Instead of time.Tick, we use threadDelay in a loop to simulate ticking.
The close function for channels is not needed in Haskell as channels are garbage collected.
We use getCurrentTime from Data.Time.Clock to get the current time, similar to Go’s time.Now().
Running this program will show a similar output to the Go version, with requests being rate-limited and the bursty limiter allowing short bursts of requests.
Note that Haskell’s concurrency model is different from Go’s, and this translation aims to replicate the behavior rather than provide an idiomatic Haskell solution. In practice, you might use more Haskell-specific concurrency primitives for rate limiting.