Title here
Summary here
Switch statements express conditionals across many branches.
Here’s a basic switch
main = do
let i = 2
putStrLn $ "Write " ++ show i ++ " as "
case i of
1 -> putStrLn "one"
2 -> putStrLn "two"
3 -> putStrLn "three"
You can use commas to separate multiple expressions in the same case
statement. We use the optional default
case in this example as well.
import Data.Time
main = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let day = utctDayTime now
case (toEnum . fromEnum $ (utctDayTime now) `mod` 7) of
6 -> putStrLn "It's the weekend"
7 -> putStrLn "It's the weekend"
_ -> putStrLn "It's a weekday"
without an expression is an alternate way to express if/else logic. Here we also show how the case
expressions can be non-constants.
import Data.Time
main = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let t = utctDayTime now
case () of
_ | hour t < 12 -> putStrLn "It's before noon"
_ -> putStrLn "It's after noon"
hour :: DiffTime -> Int
hour time = floor (time / 3600) `mod` 24
A type switch
compares types instead of values. You can use this to discover the type of an interface value. In this example, the variable t
will have the type corresponding to its clause.
import Data.Typeable
whatAmI :: Typeable a => a -> IO ()
whatAmI i = case typeOf i of
t | t == typeOf True -> putStrLn "I'm a bool"
t | t == typeOf (1 :: Int) -> putStrLn "I'm an int"
_ -> putStrLn $ "Don't know type " ++ show (typeOf i)
main = do
whatAmI True
whatAmI (1 :: Int)
whatAmI "hey"
$ runhaskell switch.hs
Write 2 as two
It's a weekday
It's after noon
I'm a bool
I'm an int
Don't know type [Char]
Next example: Arrays.