Directories in Idris
Here’s the translation of the Go code to Idris, along with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:
Our first program demonstrates how to work with directories in Idris. Here’s the full source code:
import System.Directory
import System.File
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Data.String
-- Helper function to check for errors
checkError : Either String a -> IO a
checkError (Left err) = putStrLn err *> exitFailure
checkError (Right value) = pure value
-- Helper function to create an empty file
createEmptyFile : String -> IO ()
createEmptyFile name = do
Right _ <- writeFile name ""
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error creating file: " ++ err
pure ()
main : IO ()
main = do
-- Create a new sub-directory in the current working directory
Right _ <- createDir "subdir" 0o755
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error creating directory: " ++ err
-- Create some files and directories
createEmptyFile "subdir/file1"
Right _ <- createDir "subdir/parent/child" 0o755
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error creating directory: " ++ err
createEmptyFile "subdir/parent/file2"
createEmptyFile "subdir/parent/file3"
createEmptyFile "subdir/parent/child/file4"
-- List directory contents
Right entries <- listDir "subdir/parent"
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error listing directory: " ++ err
putStrLn "Listing subdir/parent"
traverse_ (\entry => do
isDir <- doesDirExist $ "subdir/parent/" ++ entry
putStrLn $ " " ++ entry ++ " " ++ show isDir) entries
-- Change current working directory
Right _ <- changeDir "subdir/parent/child"
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error changing directory: " ++ err
-- List contents of current directory
Right currentEntries <- listDir "."
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error listing directory: " ++ err
putStrLn "Listing subdir/parent/child"
traverse_ (\entry => do
isDir <- doesDirExist entry
putStrLn $ " " ++ entry ++ " " ++ show isDir) currentEntries
-- Change back to the original directory
Right _ <- changeDir "../../.."
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error changing directory: " ++ err
-- Recursively visit directory
putStrLn "Visiting subdir"
visitDir "subdir"
-- Clean up: remove the created directory and its contents
Right _ <- removeDir "subdir"
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error removing directory: " ++ err
pure ()
-- Helper function to recursively visit directories
visitDir : String -> IO ()
visitDir dir = do
Right entries <- listDir dir
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error listing directory: " ++ err
traverse_ (\entry -> do
let path = dir </> entry
isDir <- doesDirExist path
putStrLn $ " " ++ path ++ " " ++ show isDir
when isDir $ visitDir path) entries
This Idris program demonstrates various operations on directories:
We start by creating a new sub-directory using
.We then create some empty files and nested directories using
.We use
to list the contents of a directory anddoesDirExist
to check if each entry is a directory.We demonstrate changing the current working directory with
.We implement a recursive directory traversal function
that visits all subdirectories and files.Finally, we clean up by removing the created directory and its contents with
Note that Idris uses monadic IO operations and handles errors using the Either
type. We use pattern matching to handle potential errors in each operation.
To run this program, save it as directories.idr
and use the Idris compiler:
$ idris directories.idr -o directories
$ ./directories
This will compile and run the program, showing the directory operations in action.