Methods in Idris

module Main

import System.IO

-- Idris supports records, which are similar to structs
record Rect : Type where
  constructor MkRect
  width : Int
  height : Int

-- This 'area' function takes a Rect as an argument
area : Rect -> Int
area r = r.width * r.height

-- Here's another function that takes a Rect
perim : Rect -> Int
perim r = 2 * r.width + 2 * r.height

main : IO ()
main = do
  -- Create a Rect instance
  let r = MkRect 10 5
  -- Call the functions we defined
  putStrLn $ "area: " ++ show (area r)
  putStrLn $ "perim: " ++ show (perim r)
  -- In Idris, we don't need to worry about pointer vs value semantics
  -- as it's a purely functional language
  putStrLn $ "area: " ++ show (area r)
  putStrLn $ "perim: " ++ show (perim r)

In Idris, we define a Rect record which is similar to a struct. Instead of methods, we define functions that take a Rect as an argument.

The area function calculates the area of a rectangle:

area : Rect -> Int
area r = r.width * r.height

And the perim function calculates its perimeter:

perim : Rect -> Int
perim r = 2 * r.width + 2 * r.height

In the main function, we create a Rect instance and call our functions:

main : IO ()
main = do
  let r = MkRect 10 5
  putStrLn $ "area: " ++ show (area r)
  putStrLn $ "perim: " ++ show (perim r)

Idris is a purely functional language, so we don’t need to worry about pointer vs value semantics. There’s no distinction between calling methods on a value or a pointer.

To run this program, you would save it as a .idr file and use the Idris compiler:

$ idris -o rect rect.idr
$ ./rect
area: 50
perim: 30
area: 50
perim: 30

In Idris, we use records and functions instead of structs and methods, but the core concept of bundling data with operations on that data remains the same.