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Summary here
import Data.Vect
import Data.List
-- Unlike arrays, lists in Idris are typed only by the
-- elements they contain (not the number of elements).
-- An empty list is represented as [].
main : IO ()
main = do
let s : List String = []
putStrLn $ "uninit: " ++ show s ++ " " ++ show (s == []) ++ " " ++ show (length s == 0)
-- To create an empty list with non-zero length, we can use replicate.
-- Here we make a list of Strings of length 3 (initially empty strings).
let s = replicate 3 ""
putStrLn $ "emp: " ++ show s ++ " len: " ++ show (length s)
-- We can set and get just like with arrays.
let s = ["a", "b", "c"]
putStrLn $ "set: " ++ show s
putStrLn $ "get: " ++ show (index 2 s)
-- length returns the length of the list as expected.
putStrLn $ "len: " ++ show (length s)
-- In addition to these basic operations, lists support
-- several more that make them richer than arrays.
-- One is the (++) operator for concatenation.
let s = s ++ ["d"]
let s = s ++ ["e", "f"]
putStrLn $ "apd: " ++ show s
-- Lists can also be copied. Here we create a new list c
-- that is a copy of s.
let c = s
putStrLn $ "cpy: " ++ show c
-- Lists support a "slice" operator with the syntax
-- take and drop. For example, this gets a slice
-- of the elements s[2], s[3], and s[4].
let l = take 3 $ drop 2 s
putStrLn $ "sl1: " ++ show l
-- This slices up to (but excluding) s[5].
let l = take 5 s
putStrLn $ "sl2: " ++ show l
-- And this slices up from (and including) s[2].
let l = drop 2 s
putStrLn $ "sl3: " ++ show l
-- We can declare and initialize a variable for list
-- in a single line as well.
let t = ["g", "h", "i"]
putStrLn $ "dcl: " ++ show t
-- Idris has built-in equality checking for lists.
let t2 = ["g", "h", "i"]
if t == t2
then putStrLn "t == t2"
else putStrLn "t != t2"
-- Lists can be composed into multi-dimensional data
-- structures. The length of the inner lists can
-- vary, unlike with multi-dimensional vectors.
let twoD = [[0], [1,2], [2,3,4]]
putStrLn $ "2d: " ++ show twoD
This Idris code demonstrates concepts similar to Go’s slices, using Idris’s built-in List type. Note that Idris is a purely functional language with dependent types, so some concepts are expressed differently:
and drop
functions rather than slice syntax.The output of this program would be similar to the Go version, showing various operations on lists in Idris.