Struct Embedding in Idris
module Main
import Data.String
-- Define a record type 'Base'
record Base where
constructor MkBase
num : Int
-- Define a method for Base
describe : Base -> String
describe b = "base with num=" ++ show b.num
-- Define a record type 'Container' that includes Base
record Container where
constructor MkContainer
base : Base
str : String
-- Main function
main : IO ()
main = do
-- Create a Container instance
let co = MkContainer (MkBase 1) "some name"
-- Access fields directly
putStrLn $ "co={num: " ++ show co.base.num ++ ", str: " ++ co.str ++ "}"
-- Access fields using the full path
putStrLn $ "also num: " ++ show co.base.num
-- Call the describe method
putStrLn $ "describe: " ++ describe co.base
-- Define a interface (type class in Idris)
interface Describer a where
describe' : a -> String
-- Implement Describer for Container
implementation Describer Container where
describe' c = describe c.base
-- Use the interface
let d : Describer Container => Container = co
putStrLn $ "describer: " ++ describe' d
In Idris, struct embedding is achieved through record types. The concept is similar, but the syntax and implementation details differ. Here’s an explanation of the key points:
We define
as record types.The
function is defined separately forBase
, rather than as a method.Container
as a field, which is similar to embedding in Go.We can access fields of
using dot notation, likeco.base.num
.Idris uses type classes instead of interfaces. We define a
type class and implement it forContainer
implementation forContainer
delegates to thedescribe
function ofBase
To run this program, save it as StructEmbedding.idr
and use the Idris compiler:
$ idris StructEmbedding.idr -o StructEmbedding
$ ./StructEmbedding
co={num: 1, str: some name}
also num: 1
describe: base with num=1
describer: base with num=1
This example demonstrates how Idris can achieve similar functionality to Go’s struct embedding using record types and type classes.