Title here
Summary here
Here’s the translation of the Go code to Idris, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
Our first example demonstrates writing files in Idris. Writing files in Idris follows similar patterns to the ones we use for reading.
import System.File
import Data.String
-- Helper function to handle errors
check : Either FileError a -> IO a
check (Left err) = putStrLn ("Error: " ++ show err) >> exitFailure
check (Right val) = pure val
main : IO ()
main = do
-- To start, here's how to dump a string into a file.
let content = "hello\nidris\n"
Right () <- writeFile "/tmp/dat1" content
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error writing file: " ++ show err
-- For more granular writes, open a file for writing.
Right file <- openFile "/tmp/dat2" WriteTruncate
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error opening file: " ++ show err
-- Write byte slices
let bytes = [115, 111, 109, 101, 10]
Right n <- fWrite file (pack $ map cast bytes)
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error writing bytes: " ++ show err
putStrLn $ "Wrote " ++ show n ++ " bytes"
-- Write a string
Right n <- fWrite file "writes\n"
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error writing string: " ++ show err
putStrLn $ "Wrote " ++ show n ++ " bytes"
-- Idris doesn't have a direct equivalent to bufio,
-- but we can simulate buffered writing by accumulating strings
let bufferedContent = "buffered\n"
Right n <- fWrite file bufferedContent
| Left err => putStrLn $ "Error writing buffered content: " ++ show err
putStrLn $ "Wrote " ++ show n ++ " bytes"
-- Close the file
closeFile file
putStrLn "File writing complete"
To run the file-writing code:
$ idris -o writing-files writing-files.idr
$ ./writing-files
Wrote 5 bytes
Wrote 7 bytes
Wrote 9 bytes
File writing complete
Then check the contents of the written files:
$ cat /tmp/dat1
$ cat /tmp/dat2
In this Idris version:
module for file operations.Either
type, with a check
helper function.openFile
and close them with closeFile
, which works for both byte slices and strings.bufio
, so we simulate buffered writing by accumulating strings.Note that Idris’s approach to IO and error handling is more explicit and type-safe compared to Go, reflecting its functional programming paradigm.