Here’s the translation of the Go code example to Java, with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:
The java.nio.file.Paths class provides methods to work with file paths in a way that is portable between operating systems. For example, dir/file on Linux vs. dir\file on Windows.
To run the program, compile and execute it:
Note: The output may vary slightly depending on the operating system due to different path separators.
In this Java version:
We use the java.nio.file.Paths and java.nio.file.Path classes for path operations.
Paths.get() is used instead of filepath.Join().
getParent() and getFileName() replace filepath.Dir() and filepath.Base().
isAbsolute() is used instead of filepath.IsAbs().
For file extension operations, we use string manipulation methods as Java doesn’t have a direct equivalent to filepath.Ext().
relativize() is used instead of filepath.Rel().
The overall structure and explanation have been maintained, adapted to Java’s syntax and conventions.