Channel Buffering in JavaScript

// Here we create an array to simulate a buffered channel
// with a capacity of 2.
const messages = [];
const maxBufferSize = 2;

// Function to simulate sending a message to the channel
function sendMessage(message) {
    if (messages.length < maxBufferSize) {
        console.log(`Sent: ${message}`);
    } else {
        console.log("Buffer full, cannot send message");

// Function to simulate receiving a message from the channel
function receiveMessage() {
    if (messages.length > 0) {
        const message = messages.shift();
        console.log(`Received: ${message}`);
        return message;
    } else {
        console.log("Buffer empty, no message to receive");
        return null;

// Main function to demonstrate the buffered channel simulation
function main() {
    // Because this simulated channel is buffered, we can send these
    // values into the channel without a corresponding
    // concurrent receive.

    // Later we can receive these two values as usual.

// Run the main function

In JavaScript, we don’t have built-in support for channels like in some other languages. However, we can simulate the behavior of a buffered channel using an array and some helper functions.

By default, JavaScript is single-threaded and doesn’t have native support for concurrency like some other languages. However, we can simulate the concept of a buffered channel using an array with a maximum size.

In this example, we create an array called messages to act as our buffered channel. We also define a maxBufferSize to limit the number of messages that can be stored in the channel.

We define two functions:

  1. sendMessage(message): This function simulates sending a message to the channel. It adds the message to the messages array if there’s space available.

  2. receiveMessage(): This function simulates receiving a message from the channel. It removes and returns the first message from the messages array.

In the main function, we demonstrate how to use this simulated buffered channel:

  1. We send two messages to the channel using sendMessage().
  2. We then receive these two messages using receiveMessage().

When you run this code, you should see output similar to this:

Sent: buffered
Sent: channel
Received: buffered
Received: channel

This example demonstrates how you can simulate the concept of a buffered channel in JavaScript, even though the language doesn’t have native support for this feature.