Http Client in Julia

Here’s an idiomatic Julia code example demonstrating the concept of an HTTP client, similar to the provided Go example:

using HTTP
using Printf

function main()
    # Issue an HTTP GET request to a server
    response = HTTP.get("")

    # Print the HTTP response status
    @printf("Response status: %d %s\n", response.status, HTTP.Messages.statustext(response.status))

    # Print the first 5 lines of the response body
    body_lines = split(String(response.body), "\n")
    for line in body_lines[1:min(5, length(body_lines))]


This Julia code demonstrates how to make an HTTP GET request and process the response. Let’s break it down:

  1. We use the HTTP package, which provides functionality for making HTTP requests in Julia.

  2. The main() function encapsulates our program logic.

  3. We use HTTP.get() to send a GET request to “”. This function returns a response object.

  4. We print the response status using @printf, which allows for formatted output. We access the status code and convert it to a status text.

  5. To print the first 5 lines of the response body, we:

    • Convert the response body to a string and split it into lines.
    • Use array slicing with min() to ensure we don’t exceed the available lines.
    • Print each line using println().
  6. Finally, we call the main() function to execute our code.

To run this program:

  1. Make sure you have Julia installed on your system.
  2. Install the required package by running:
    julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("HTTP")'
  3. Save the code in a file, e.g., http_client.jl.
  4. Run the program using:
    julia http_client.jl

This example showcases Julia’s concise syntax and its powerful standard library. The HTTP package provides a high-level interface for making HTTP requests, similar to Go’s net/http package. Julia’s string handling and array operations make it easy to process the response data.

Remember that Julia is a just-in-time compiled language, so the first run might be slower due to compilation, but subsequent runs will be faster.