Http Server in Julia

Here’s the translation of the HTTP server example from Go to Julia, formatted in Markdown for Hugo:

Our example demonstrates how to create a basic HTTP server using the HTTP package in Julia.

using HTTP

# A fundamental concept in HTTP servers is handlers. In Julia, we can define
# handlers as functions that take HTTP.Request and HTTP.Response objects.

function hello(req::HTTP.Request)
    return HTTP.Response(200, "hello\n")

function headers(req::HTTP.Request)
    response = ""
    for (name, value) in req.headers
        response *= "$name: $value\n"
    return HTTP.Response(200, response)

# We register our handlers on server routes using the HTTP.Router
router = HTTP.Router()
HTTP.register!(router, "GET", "/hello", hello)
HTTP.register!(router, "GET", "/headers", headers)

# Finally, we start the server on port 8090
HTTP.serve(router, "", 8090)

In this example, we define two handler functions: hello and headers.

The hello function is a simple handler that returns a “hello” message.

The headers function is a more sophisticated handler that reads all the HTTP request headers and echoes them in the response body.

We then create an HTTP.Router and register our handlers with specific routes using HTTP.register!.

Finally, we start the server using HTTP.serve, specifying the router, IP address, and port number.

To run the server:

$ julia http_server.jl &

You can then access the /hello route:

$ curl localhost:8090/hello

This example showcases how to set up a basic HTTP server in Julia, define custom handlers, and route requests to these handlers.