Recover in Julia

Here’s the translated code and explanation in Julia, formatted for Hugo:

In Julia, we can create a simple program to print the classic “hello world” message. Here’s the full source code:

function main()
    println("hello world")


In Julia, we don’t need to explicitly define a package or import statements for basic operations like printing to the console. The println function is available in the core language.

To run the program, save the code in a file with a .jl extension (e.g., hello_world.jl) and use the Julia REPL or command-line interface:

$ julia hello_world.jl
hello world

Julia is a dynamic language, so there’s no need for compilation. You can also run Julia code interactively in the REPL:

$ julia
julia> function main()
           println("hello world")

julia> main()
hello world

Julia doesn’t have a built-in way to create standalone executables like some compiled languages. However, you can use packages like PackageCompiler.jl to create system images or executables for your Julia programs.

For example, to create a system image:

$ julia --output-o -J hello_world.jl
$ julia -J -e 'main()'
hello world

This creates a system image that includes your code, which can then be loaded quickly in future Julia sessions.

Now that we can run basic Julia programs, let’s explore more features of the language.