String Formatting in Julia

# Julia offers excellent support for string formatting using
# string interpolation and the `println` function. Here are some
# examples of common string formatting tasks.

struct Point

# Julia offers several string interpolation methods designed to
# format general Julia values. For example, this prints
# an instance of our `Point` struct.
p = Point(1, 2)
println("struct1: $p")

# If the value is a struct, you can access its fields directly
# in the string interpolation.
println("struct2: (x=$(p.x), y=$(p.y))")

# To print a more detailed representation of the value,
# you can use the `repr` function.
println("struct3: $(repr(p))")

# To print the type of a value, use `typeof`.
println("type: $(typeof(p))")

# Formatting booleans is straightforward.
println("bool: $(true)")

# There are many options for formatting integers.
# Use standard string interpolation for base-10 formatting.
println("int: $(123)")

# This prints a binary representation.
println("bin: $(bitstring(14))")

# This prints the character corresponding to the given integer.
println("char: $(Char(33))")

# `string(x, base=16)` provides hex encoding.
println("hex: $(string(456, base=16))")

# There are also several formatting options for floats.
# For basic decimal formatting, use standard string interpolation.
println("float1: $(78.9)")

# `@sprintf` macro from the Printf package can be used for more
# control over float formatting.
using Printf
@printf("float2: %.2e\n", 123400000.0)
@printf("float3: %.2E\n", 123400000.0)

# For basic string printing, use standard string interpolation.
println("str1: $("\"string\"")")

# To include quotes in strings, you can use escape characters.
println("str2: \"\\\"string\\\"\"")

# To print a hexadecimal representation of a string,
# you can use the `bytes2hex` function.
println("str3: $(bytes2hex(Vector{UInt8}("hex this")))")

# To print a representation of a pointer, use the `pointer` function.
println("pointer: $(pointer_from_objref(p))")

# When formatting numbers you will often want to control the width
# and precision of the resulting figure. The `@sprintf` macro
# can be used for this purpose.
@printf("width1: |%6d|%6d|\n", 12, 345)

# You can also specify the width of printed floats,
# though usually you'll also want to restrict the decimal precision
# at the same time with the width.precision syntax.
@printf("width2: |%6.2f|%6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45)

# To left-justify, use the `-` flag.
@printf("width3: |%-6.2f|%-6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45)

# You may also want to control width when formatting strings,
# especially to ensure that they align in table-like output.
# For basic right-justified width:
@printf("width4: |%6s|%6s|\n", "foo", "b")

# To left-justify use the `-` flag as with numbers.
@printf("width5: |%-6s|%-6s|\n", "foo", "b")

# So far we've seen `println`, which prints the formatted string
# to stdout. To format and return a string without printing it,
# you can use string interpolation or the `@sprintf` macro.
s = "sprintf: a $("string")"

# You can format+print to IO streams other than stdout
# using the `print` function with an IO object.
print(stderr, "io: an ", "error\n")

This Julia code demonstrates various string formatting techniques, including string interpolation, the @printf macro, and other utility functions for formatting different types of data. The structure and explanations are adapted to Julia’s syntax and idiomatic expressions while maintaining the overall flow of the original example.