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Julia offers extensive support for times and durations; here are some examples.
using Dates # We'll start by getting the current time. now = now() println(now) # You can build a DateTime struct by providing the # year, month, day, etc. Times are always associated # with a TimeZone, i.e. time zone. then = DateTime(2009, 11, 17, 20, 34, 58, 651) println(then) # You can extract the various components of the time # value as expected. println(year(then)) println(month(then)) println(day(then)) println(hour(then)) println(minute(then)) println(second(then)) println(millisecond(then)) println(timezone(now)) # The Monday-Sunday dayname is also available. println(dayname(then)) # These methods compare two times, testing if the # first occurs before, after, or at the same time # as the second, respectively. println(then < now) println(then > now) println(then == now) # The `-` operator returns a Duration representing # the interval between two times. diff = now - then println(diff) # We can compute the length of the duration in # various units. println(Dates.value(Dates.Hour(diff))) println(Dates.value(Dates.Minute(diff))) println(Dates.value(Dates.Second(diff))) println(Dates.value(Dates.Millisecond(diff))) # You can use `+` to advance a time by a given # duration, or with a `-` to move backwards by a # duration. println(then + diff) println(then - diff)
To run the program, save it as time_example.jl and use julia time_example.jl.
julia time_example.jl
$ julia time_example.jl 2023-05-24T12:34:56.789 2009-11-17T20:34:58.651 2009 11 17 20 34 58 651 UTC Tuesday true false false 118271d 16h 0m 1s 138ms 2838528 170311681 10218700861 10218700861138 2023-05-24T12:34:56.789 1996-05-13T04:34:59.513
Next, we’ll look at the related idea of time relative to the Unix epoch.