Http Client in Karel

Here’s an idiomatic Karel code example that demonstrates the concept of an HTTP client:

// Karel HTTP Client Example

// Define the main program
program HttpClient {
    // Simulate sending an HTTP GET request
    // Process the response

// Simulate sending an HTTP GET request
void sendHttpRequest() {
    // Move Karel to the "server" (represented by a beeper)
    while (frontIsClear()) {
    // "Send" the request by picking up the beeper
    if (beepersPresent()) {

// Process the simulated HTTP response
void processResponse() {
    // Turn around and move back to the starting position
    while (frontIsClear()) {
    // "Print" the response status by putting down beepers
    // "Print" the response body by putting down more beepers
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

This Karel program simulates the concept of an HTTP client making a request and processing the response. Here’s how it works:

  1. The main HttpClient program calls two methods: sendHttpRequest() and processResponse().

  2. In sendHttpRequest():

    • Karel moves forward until it reaches a wall, simulating traveling to a server.
    • If a beeper is present (representing the server), Karel picks it up, simulating sending a GET request.
  3. In processResponse():

    • Karel turns around and returns to the starting position.
    • Karel puts down two beepers close together, simulating printing the response status.
    • Karel then moves and puts down five more beepers, simulating printing the first five lines of the response body.

While Karel doesn’t have built-in networking capabilities, this program demonstrates the concept of sending a request, receiving a response, and processing that response in a way that’s analogous to an HTTP client.

To run this program:

  1. Open your Karel IDE or simulator.
  2. Copy and paste the code into the editor.
  3. Ensure your Karel world has a clear path with a beeper at the end to represent the server.
  4. Run the program and observe Karel’s movements and beeper placements.

This example follows Karel’s best practices by using clear method names, comments to explain the code, and breaking the functionality into separate methods for better organization.