Channel Directions in Kotlin

In Kotlin, we can use coroutines and channels to achieve similar functionality to Go’s goroutines and channels. Here’s how we can implement channel directions:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

// This `ping` function only accepts a channel for sending
// values. It would be a compile-time error to try to
// receive on this channel.
suspend fun ping(pings: SendChannel<String>, msg: String) {

// The `pong` function accepts one channel for receives
// (`pings`) and a second for sends (`pongs`).
suspend fun pong(pings: ReceiveChannel<String>, pongs: SendChannel<String>) {
    val msg = pings.receive()

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val pings = Channel<String>()
    val pongs = Channel<String>()
    launch { ping(pings, "passed message") }
    launch { pong(pings, pongs) }

When using channels as function parameters in Kotlin, you can specify if a channel is meant to only send or receive values. This specificity increases the type-safety of the program.

In this example, we define two suspend functions:

  1. ping: This function only accepts a SendChannel<String>, which means it can only send values to the channel.

  2. pong: This function accepts a ReceiveChannel<String> for receiving and a SendChannel<String> for sending.

In the main function, we create two channels using Channel<String>(). We then launch two coroutines:

  1. One that calls ping to send a message.
  2. Another that calls pong to receive the message from pings and send it to pongs.

Finally, we print the received message from the pongs channel.

To run this program:

$ kotlinc -cp kotlinx-coroutines-core-1.5.2.jar ChannelDirections.kt -include-runtime -d ChannelDirections.jar
$ java -jar ChannelDirections.jar
passed message

Note: You’ll need to have the kotlinx-coroutines library in your classpath to run this code.

This example demonstrates how Kotlin’s channels can be used to safely communicate between coroutines, similar to Go’s channel directions.